Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Life lessons's

As a youth I found out the hard way that when your dog runs away from you across the road and a car is coming don't holler and scream for her cause she might meet the car before she gets back to you, and just last saturday I learned that when your hands are full and you are trying to get your child's attention don't holler his name and then try and tap the back of his head with your bare foot, because, believe it or not, he might turn his head before your foot gets to it, and well, luckily my son is forgiving and his eye didn't choose to swell up to resemble the Hunchback of Notre Dame

NOTE: I really was just trying to tap and didn't wasn't using force, unfortunately when his head turned it was and that was what caused the in pact to be so impactual--had his head not turned i would have barely tapped the back of his head with my toe as if I was tapping it with my hand, unfortunately his head turned and instead of my toe it hit the bone in my foot (which is also bruised) so please don't think I abuse my son, although at the time he was jumping off his loft bed and trying to land atop of another child sitting on the floor so he deserved to get the snot beat out of him, but I'm not the type to do that, I promise.

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