Thursday, September 10, 2009


OK, so I am a strong believer in car seats, granted as a mother I have become rather relaxed recently, especially in the back seat if there isn't room for his carseat, or if some one is taking him to school--he has to be in a seat belt, but occasionally I don't make him take his booster seat, after all he is 40 lbs and rather tall for his age, unfortunately they just sent home a note (I have heard rumor of this before but the note confirmed it) that stated children under 8 yrs old or 80 lbs have to be in boosterseats--which as much as I believe in car seats I have to say I think that is the stupidest law ever and this is why:

1st off, most parents keep their kids in booster seats anyways, because they love them and don't want them to get hurt, it is the thing to do, so I feel by making this a law the only people who are going to change their ways are the uneducated masses that are going to be using a lap belt to fasten in a booster seat or that are going to be using outdated and recalled booster seats and in my opinion if you aren't going to use the booster seat correctly you have no business using it at all because using a lap belt on a booster seat puts the child at more risk of internal bleeding then just using the seat belt would--booster seats are only effective when used effectively!!! So they change this law but they don't reach out to educate the uneducated masses

2nd reason I'm against this new law is because we are already complaining about childhood obesity becoming an issue in America, and now parents are being rewarded for having an obese child because if your 3 yr old is obese and weighs over 80lbs they no longer have to worry about booster seats--dude if there 1 yr old weighs 80lbs--and we all know what infant obesity leads to

so, as I see it, this stinking law change which was designed to protect children only seems to be putting their lives in more danger--what do ya'll think?

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