Monday, November 30, 2009


To most who know me you wouldn't think I was the rebellious kind, because in most cases I am not at all rebellious, but I am also no angel.   In fact, I am rebellious in a way that only I know I am rebelling, want an example?  I will give you a few....

As a youth my mom was against watching TV during the day, we were either to be playing or doing something and if we couldn't find something to do she would give us something do to in the form of a chores,  so now as an adult I tend to always have a TV on in my house, even if there is nothing on TV that I would like to watch there is still a TV on just because as an adult I can watch TV whenever I want.

Now, I will admit that now I am a quarter of a century old that I have learned something in my old age of wisdom, and that is the simple fact that having TVs on in every room of the house costs money, and since I don't feel the need to waste money just to assert my independence and power as an adult living in my own home I have started to curve this rebellion--not because my mom doesn't approve, but because I have learned better.

Another one of my little rebellions is that as a child my mom refused to let us eat a sandwich unless it was cut, how it was cut she didn't really care, it just had to be cut before we could eat it.  I use to be so envious of those who could eat uncut sandwiches.  I despised cut sandwiches so much that learned how to make my own sandwich I would and try to eat it so quickly that my mom couldn't insist on me cutting it.  Even as an adult and mother I am very much against eating cut sandwiches, unless of course I am sharing it with someone, then I don't mind it being cut in half.  

Now, as much as I hate eating cut sandwiches, I have noticed that my son is now envious  of cut sandwiches and requests that I cut his sandwich, he even is specific about how he wants it cut--and I find it rather odd that every time I cut his sandwiches I cringe just a little remembering just how much I hated to have my sandwiches cut as a youth.

Now, Why such a random topic to discuss today?  Because I just got done cooking Ramen noodles for the kids which brings up another one of my rebellions--not breaking my noodles up!  I alway thought it was such an insult when my mom broke my noodles up before cooking them and would always beg her not to, she insisted though and my begging and pleading went unrewarded. I think I despise broken ramen noodles and spaghetti noodles just as much as I despise my sandwiches being cut.  I don't break up noodles, which has become a huge issue at our house because John (my loving but not so understanding about my weird little obsessions) insists that the noodles need to be broken because it is too hard for the kids to eat unless they are and it is easier to break them uncooked then to cut them up after cooking.

Well, just like all my other rebellious tendencies I have today I broke up the ramen noodles before cooking them for the kids to eat--I don't know whether to be depressed that I have reformed under pressure or to be thankful for my wisdom and sensibility in my 'old age'

I know, many of you don't know me personally so this probably makes no sense to you, but as a youth I swore I would never do these things out of principle, and yet slowly I have bent my rules and changed them, and it wasn't until I broke up the ramen noodles in the pan today that I realized what me breaking the ramen noodles symbolized something much bigger than simply a child friendly lunch, what exactly it symbolizes I do not know just yet, but I think it means I am growing up...what do you think?

Do you have any ways you rebelled?

I must admit, I do a few other things as simple rebellions, like eat cake and ice cream for breakfast, decorate the christmas Tree in November (my mom always insisted on waiting till closer to christmas, once we were decorating it Christmas Eve), I let my dogs on the furniture and even allow them to sleep with us (not that I want them to anymore, it just kind of worked out that way) as well as a few other things, like eating dessert before dinner and silly little things like that, but those I think I will always do, I guess only time will tell though, but that is why I posted the pics I chose, they are proof I have a rebellious side, though it is one I seldom show.

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