Friday, December 18, 2009

Schooled by a 4 yr old...

Oh My Goodness Gracious, the other day Dominic did the funniest thing ever, and I mean it was so hilarious and thought provoking and we all almost died laughing--well except the person he said it about, his feelings were a bit hurt--and I have been dying to tell you guys all about it, but I have yet to find the time, sooooo.......

The other day John, Dominic, Patrick (a teenage boy we know), and I were all driving to the Church to clean it, John is responsible for arranging people to come and clean our church and we do that on Mondays and Saturdays.  Usually I stay home Monday nights to watch TV and play on the Internet but this Monday night I decided to tag along and I am so grateful I did, because had I not I would have missed out on this...

So Patrick and I are talking about something or Patrick was telling us something, either way, Patrick said something to me and Dominic got all defensive and informed him that, "you don't say that to my mommy!"  and he meant it, it was so funny how he said it that we laughed our heads off, obviously not exactly the responsible thing to do because John and me laughing at that was probably what promoted his next comment about 3 minutes later.

Patrick was still talking and I heard Dominic mumble something and John told us all to be quiet so we could hear what Dominic was saying, it took Patrick a minute to get the hint, which only made what Dominic said even more hilarious (this may actually only be hilarious to those who know Dominic)....Anyhow, in Dominic's little 4 yr old boy voice he informed us, "I have some good news and some bad news"  and waited for us to ask what the bad news was, so we did, "The bad news is Patrick is with us" stunned by that comment we asked what the good news was (now understand that Dominic use to idolize Patrick until recently when Patrick got an attitude), "The good news is that Patrick can go home!"

Now the point that Dominic came up with that all on his own was amazing, specially considering he didn't turn 5 till the next day and that at his last check up the doctor reported that he was behind developmentally, I think for being a little 'slower' than the average 5 yr old, he sure as heck knows how to school a 15 yr old.....booya, Patrick (who I must say sat and pouted for a few minutes after Dominic's announcement)

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