Monday, October 5, 2009


I have really been considering shaving my head for many reasons, but know so many people will ask me the age old question--"WHY?" so I thought I would list a few of the reasons here (as well as some reasons I maybe shouldn't):

Because I can
without hair you can't have a bad hair day (can't have good hair days either)
think of the money I will save on shampoo and conditioner (at least until it grows back in)
think of the money i would save on bobby pins and other various hair things (might be spent on a new hat collection to keep my head from being sunburned)
to prove that you don't need hair to be beautiful (but what if I find out I do?)
they say once you shave your legs the hair grows back thicker--think the same applies to your hair? I want to find out
think of all the time I will ave not having to worry about washing my hair, doing my hair, or what my hair looks like
I've always thought bald women were beautiful (but then again people with hair don't look all that bad either)
In honor of all those who have fought cancer that I know (nobody I know is fighting cancer right now and all those who have already have their hair back--maybe this boat has sailed)
did I mention my mom kept me from doing it in middle school, but now I am over 18 I can do it whether she agrees or not, so in other words:because I can! (but what if all the reasons she told me I couldn't were right)
My job kept me from doing it when my nephew had cancer, but now I don't work (disabled) so, in other words, they can't stop me! (but what if I am suddenly no longer disabled and have to get a job)
I wouldn't have to worry about the hair on the back of my neck (until it starts to grow back in and it is too short to put in pony tails)
I wouldn't have to worry about my hair being uneven
I never have to worry about my hair out of place
the doctor would be able to see and remove all the growths on my head without having to search for them (who doesn't enoy a good scavenger hunt)
I wouldn't have to get my hair cut for a few more years (unless it grows in weird)
I wouldn't have to spend time weaving my hair through my Cpap mask every night
nobody would be able to stand on my hair
noone could pull my hair
John would no longer be able to blame the clogged bathtub drain on my long hairs
the list could go on and on

what are some of the reasons ya'll would list (pro or con)?

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